A London director with a weird and wonderfully recognizable aesethic and world view that comes through in his directorial vision. 

Ehsan’s started his journey as a filmmaker by making experimental yet prize-winning shorts, soon transitioning into commercials within fashion and luxury. His first spot for Vertu received a YDA nomination at Cannes Lions and Best Sound Design at MASA, but has then since won a series of awards including Cannes Lions, Creative Circle, Kinsale Shark etc. through collaborating with brands such as Nike, Google, Samsung, NFL, Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss, Burberry, and BMW to name a few. 

Beyond that he uses his platform as a director currently working on his debut feature film to shed light on the faceless and the voiceless, for untold stories to be shared while seizing opportunities to open doors whilst opening minds.

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